Socionext is a Finalist of the Elektra Awards 2022 with two innovative products!
Our LPWAN 2.0 LSI and 24GHz Radio-wave Sensors have made it to the finals in the Internet-of-Things Product of the Year category.
The SC1330 LPWAN 2.0 LSI has been developed for ZETag, the next generation of Cloud Tag using the ZETA communication protocol. It is a low cost LPWAN LSI and the first Advanced M-FSK LSI designed exclusively for upstream transmission.
Our single-chip, highly integrated, 24GHz Radio-wave Sensors with ultra-low powerconsumption come in a compact format whilst offering high performance. Incorporating signal processing functions into the devices reduces the number of external components making it easier to use without special signal processing knowledge. BOM is reduced by the ‘All-in-one package.
The Winners will be announced on Wednesday 30th November at the Elektra Awards Ceremony which will take place in London, UK.
Elektra Awards 2022